Friday, June 20, 2008

Braggart and Thief

One overhears things. I heard this yesterday afternoon on Edmonton's LRT.

This dumb shit was bragging to his friends how he'd stolen a certain thing from a white kid, and was going to sell it to another guy for $50 bucks.

His friends asked, ''Aren't you ashamed?" "Don't you feel guilty?"

"Fuck no, I took it from a white kid. A white kid. I'm gangsta."

Someone said something about jail. His reply was laughed, " I'll phone you from there."

What a moron. Wish I knew what he'd taken. I'd give his fucking photo to the cops.

Eskimo Football

That title ought to confuse the hell out any Non-Canadian browsing through here. I volunteered for a Charity fundraiser at a CFL Football game in Edmonton today. We were selling beer (with part of the proceeds going to charity) and this Saskatchewan Rough Rider fan walked up in the damnedest outfit. I wish I'd gotten a better photo. He had a sort of Mexican-wrestler/combo gimp mask, big Cow Horns, a green suit and a cape. I tell you the Saskatchewan fans are always entertaining when they come here for a game. They're great sports, even though their team lost to Edmonton, 37-7.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

This made me chuckle.

The humor is in it's truth. I am really enjoying the airing of American Left's schizoid mentality during this election year.