Thursday, May 25, 2006

“I do what I do, so you can do what you do.” Capt. Nichola Goddard

Captain Nichola Goddard's funeral is tomorrow.

The Feminists and their ilk demanded equality for women in the military, and now that one has died in combat, they're demanding we abandon our commitment to the war on terror.

Now that a female Canadian soldier has died fighting Taliban terrorists, the same pro-feminist liberals who insisted that combat roles be opened to women are now demanding Canada withdraw it's Afghanistan mission. Their arguments are varied, but they all seem to have a at least three things in common:
1) They all pretty much ignore that fact that the Afghanis WANT us there, to help rebuild their society.
2) Like Afghanistan's Taliban and their Al Quaida supporters, it seems like it's pretty much only the opposition Liberals and NDP and their supporters, (like the CBC) who don't want us there.
3) Finally, the point they all seem to hold most dear: They all seem to think that abandoning the Afgan peoples to the drug lords and Mullahs who destroyed the country in the first place is somehow good because it undermines American foreign policy.

Goddard's father Tim, is a University of Calgary professor specializing in the restoration of education systems in war-torn countries. Her mother Sally said Nichola once told him “I do what I do, so you can do what you do”

Captain Nichola Goddard deserves to be remembered for more than just being our first female combat fatality. That's trivializing her death for the feminist ideology of exclusion. She certainly doesn't deserve the legacy NDP leader Jack Layton would give her: cause celebre for the abandonment of the Afghan mission that would ultimately make her death meaningless.
Hopefully she will be remembered as a soldier, citizen, wife, and daughter who did her duty as she saw it, and died doing what she wanted to do.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Stupid Politician of the Month:

Socialist MP Judy Wasylycia-Leis.

Sun Media carried a story Saturday, about how the MP believes that a sales tax on Tampons unfairly penalizes Women for their reproductive systems. Unfairly? I'm pretty sure men who buy tampons for their wives have to pay the tax too...

I think she didn't go far enough. The taxman also unfairly penalizes Men for their gender by indiscriminately forcing them to pay income tax on all support and alimony payments to their ex-wives. Hmmmm, for years the taxman has also unfairly discriminated against married couples with children, by allowing only unmarried coulples to deduct childcare expenses.The sales tax also unfairly penalizes men AND women who need automobiles to get to work, by taxing both the gasoline they buy, and taxing the gas tax buried in the price per litre, they need their cars to get to work, but can't deduct the expense.

My point is that a sales tax is really only fair if everyone pays the same rate and for everything. As soon as you start making excemptions, even with good intentions, it exacerbates unfairness rather than diminishes it. This is just another example of stupid feminist ideology stirring up more shit for the rest of us to put up with...

This is the third time Wasylycia-Leis has tried to get her Feminine Freshness tax-exemption private member's bill passed. Previous Liberal Governments, who of course have never met a tax they didn't like, have twice before allowed her bill to die on the order paper.

Perhaps they (groan) smelled something they didn't like...

Saturday, May 13, 2006

MP Persecuted for Criticism of Supreme Court

The hounding of Saskatchewan Member of Parliament Maurice Vellacott out of a Commons Committee Chairmanship is chillingly reminiscent of the pre-WWII Nazi persecution of the German Jewish community. In a CBC interview, Vellacott said that he didn't think it was the role of Judges to play God, and he specifically criticized Supreme Court Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin, for claiming to have the mystical Power to better know the mind and will of the People, than the People themselves, or their elected representatives.
Having failed to re-shape Canada democratically, Canada's Activist Supreme Court has become the Loony Left's Primary Hope for remolding our society in favour of their pet causes and beliefs. Their voicepiece, the CBC, began a campaign to smear Vellacott by exaggerrating his statements and claiming his beliefs somehow render him unfit to serve as chairman of Parliament's Aboriginal Affairs Committee.
So, on the basis of his remarks that Judges aren't God, he was forced to step down this week as Chairman of the House of Commons Aboriginal Affairs committee.
A spokesman from Mount Olymp- er, Chief Justice McLaughlin's Office deliberately misinterpreted Vellacott's statement, denying the Chief Justice ever said the Justices had God-like powers.
While many things bother me about this persecution of an elected MP, Two things bother me more than most.

1) That Vellacott was persecuted by the midstream media in general, and more specifically an organ of the state, (the CBC- you guess which organ I'm thinking of...) for publicly disagreeing with the whole idea of Activist Judges. By persecuting Vellacott they commit an offense against his constitutional right to freedom of Speech. They also offend against the majority of voters in Vellacott's riding who voted for him, knowing full well he's a former Pastor and outspoken critic of so-called gay- marriage and Infanticide (abortion).

2) That Her-Supremeness McLachlin has publicly stated her belief that the Supreme Court has the duty and self-endowed RIGHT to dictate norms to Canadians, even if Parliament, The Constitution, and public opinion oppose them, is a matter of public record. That Vellacott was persecuted for his remarks, and that her office now claims she didn't say anything like that smacks frighteningly of Orwell's 1984. Yet last December McLachlin gave a speech to Law students at Victoria University in New Zealand where she claimed that Judges had the duty to force elected lawmakers to conform to whatever currently trendy extra-constitutional principles they wished to read-in to the Constitution. You can read her speech here.

You may heard that Power Corrupts. In fact, It's Power with Unaccountability that Corrupts. And who has more unaccountable power than our unelected Supreme Court Justices?

The CBC had long ago earned my contempt. That these Liberal-appointed, and unaccountable activist judges on our Supreme Court presume to know better than Canadians and their elected Parliament the direction our society should go has also earned them my, -well, you know.