Monday, April 25, 2005

A Convention Weekend

I was away for the weekend at a Knights of Columbus state convention for Alberta and the Northwest Territories. Guest speakers included Colonel Ralph Marshal, USMC Ret, and Calgary's outspoken Bishop Fred Henry.

Marshal is the current worldwide titular head of the Knights of Columbus 4th Degree, those tuxedo'd gentlemen with capes and swords you most often see in parades as color guards or at funerals. His address Saturday night was incredible:

"in times past, Knights did battle with Dragons."

He said there are many battles yet to be fought today, for the preservation of the institution of marriage, defense of the family, and the unborn. I wish I could remember more, I must write him for the text of his address.

As good as Col. Marshal was, Calgary's Bishop Fred Henry was even better. He told of his past meetings with Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI. That a visit with him was the delight and high point of any trip to Rome. He also delighted in relating how the church felt about the negative opinions of the media: they didn't care. lol.

Henry also didn't avoid mention of the controversy he faces over statements he's made. Bishop Henry is currently subject of an attempt to silence him. Two complaints to Alberta's Human Rights Commission were lodged by homosexual activists after Henry wrote an open letter to his congregation. I don't remember the exact wording, but the letter stated something to the effect that homosexuals must be treated with love and deserved dignity... and that homosexuality, adultery, pornography etc. undermined the family, the basis of society, and must be curtailed.

The Human rights complaints, are that Bishop Henry is spreading hatred. But one of the complainants, Norm Greenfield, told the Calgary Sun that he wanted to silence the Bishop, and prevent him from speaking out about government policy. It may be more than a year before the complaints are dealt with.

Mr. Greenfield was recently described as a "prolific letter-to-the-editor writer." So when it comes to rights to freedom of religion or expression, I guess Norm only cares about his, to the exclusion of all others, eh?

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